The M9.1 earthquake that triggered the Aceh 2004 tsunami:
Why earthquakes and tsunamis occur in the Sumatra region
New study reconstructs mega-earthquakes timeline in Indian Ocean
Study reveals complex rupture process in surprising 2012 Sumatra quake
Sediment from Himalayas may have made 2004 Indian Ocean quake more severe
Understanding subduction zone earthquakes: the 2004 Sumatra earthqauke example
Evaluation of earthquake parameters used in the Indonesian tsunami early warning system
Co-seismic fault geometry and slip distribution of the 2004, giant Andaman-Sumatra earthquake
Crustal thickening and extension induced by the Great Sumatran-Andaman earthquake, tensor Mrr
Postseismic deformation parameters in northern Sumatra after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
The tsunami that followed:
Tsunami 2004: a comprehensive analysis - Volume I
Tsunami 2004: a comprehensive analysis - Volume II
Tsunami generation from the 2004 M 9.1 Sumatra-Adaman earthquake
Lessons from Aceh 2004:
The Indian Ocean tsunami's legacy
Tsunami 10 years on - stories of change
10 years on, tsunami warning stumbles at the 'last mile'
10 years on, lessons of Asian tsunami hit by 'disaster amnesia'
Sri Lanka's trauma of tsunami turns into a defence for tomorrow
Post-disaster governance, complexity and network-theory after Aceh 2004
Rebuilding after Aceh 2004:
What Aceh got right rebuilding from the 2004 tsunami
Taking stock of the tsunami recovery process in Sri Lanka: 2004-2014
Lessons from Aceh's 'build back better' experience
The West Sumatra earthqukes: not learning our lessons?