Into the Arctic
Arctic Colors project
Definition of Actic Circle
Definition of Arctic Region
Who owns the North Pole?
Storing carbon in the Arctic
More ships and more clouds mean cooling in the Arctic
Arctic report card founder discusses the fate of the pole
Curator's tour of the Arctic Exhibition at the British Museum
Low Temperatures Enhance Ozone Degradation above the Arctic
Scientists harness indigenous knowledge to combat Arctic disasters
The Arctic Ocean, Seas and Freshwater systems:
Definition of Arctic Ocean
The Arctic freshwater synthesis
Why are Arctic rivers rising in winter?
Ocean acoustics in the changing Arctic
Arctic Ocean freshwater bulge detected
Huge waves measured for first time in Arctic Ocean
Climate change is intensifying Arctic Ocean currents
Satellites accurately capture ocean salinity in the Arctic
Climate-cooling Arctic lakes soak up greenhouse gases
The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean v4.0
State of the Arctic Coast 2010: Scientific Review and Outlook
Certain Arctic lakes store more greenhouse gases than they release
Arctic Ocean freshwater will cause 'unpredictable changes on climate
Evidence suggests potential transformation of the Pacific Arctic ecosystem is underway
New actors in the Arctic ecosystem: Atlantic amphipods are now reproducing in Arctic waters
Super salty lakes discovered in Canadian Arctic could provide a window into life beyond Earth
Arctic Sea-ice:
Ice in motion
The ice is melting
The Melting Arctic
Variability of Arctic Sea Ice
Measuring sea ice thickness
The long decline of Arctic sea ice
Older Arctic sea ice disappearing
The cloudy future of Arctic sea ice
Ice-free Arctic may be in our future
Snow has thinned on Arctic sea ice
Polar politics and the melting Arctic
Inlet's iceberg maker is nearly gone
How Arctic cyclones change the sea-ice
Development and dynamic of ice sheets
Tracking the breakup of Arctic summer ice
Warm rivers play role in Arctic sea ice melt
NASA monitors the 'new normal' of sea ice
Arctic sea ice reaches 2015 minimum extent
Predicting sea-ice changes years in advance
Cracked sea ice stirs up Arctic mercury concern
Effects of Arctic sea ice decline on weather & climate
NASA begins new season of Arctic ice science flights
Arctic sea ice helps remove CO2 from the atmosphere
Arctic sea-ice volume showed strong recovery in 2013
ESA's Cryosat sees Arctic sea-ice volume bounce back
Could AI be useful for Arctic communities facing sea ice loss?
2013 wintertime Arctic sea ice maximum fifth lowest on record
ESA's Cryosat mission observes continuing Arctic winter ice decline
Scientists have never observed so little ice in the Bering Strait in spring
Recent changes of Arctic multiyear sea-ice coverage and the likely causes
Melting sea ice increases Arctic precipitation, compllicates climate predictions
Models show natural swings in the Earth's climate contribute to Arctic sea ice loss
Arctic sea ice update: unlikely to break new records, but continuiing downward trend
Researchers predict summer Arctic ice might disappear by 2016, 84 years ahead of schedule
Long-term interactions between ice sheets and climate under anthropogenic greenhouse forcing
Changes in Arctic environment & biosystems:
A chilling read
Arctic getting greener
Greening of the Arctic
The Arctic Report Card
Vast cost of Arctic change
Warm climate - cold Arctic
The Arctic shifts to a new normal
Unpresedented wildfires in the Arctic
Warm water is mixing up life in the Arctic
Declining sea ice strands baby harp seals
The Arctic heads for 'unchartered territory'
New driver identified behind Arctic warming
Is a sleeping climate giant stirring in the Arctic?
Sea ice decline spurs the greening of the Arctic
Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic
Satellite data reveal rapid darkening of the Arctic
What satellites show about Arctic climate change
A new way to study the changing Arctic ecosystem
Arctic sea-ice loss has widespread effects on wildlife
'Archived' heat has reached deep into the Arctic interior
Pioneering study calculates Arctic Ocean nutrient budget
Environmental changes in the Arctic: an Italian perspective
Holes the size of city blocks are forming in the Artic seafloor
Drying Arctic soils could accelerate greenhouse gas emissions
New models predict drastically greener Arctic in coming decades
Climate change is reducing Arctic ocean biodiversity: $40M study
Global warming alters Arctic food chain, with unforseeable results
Exploratory hydrocarbon drilling impacts to Arctic lake ecosystems
New study links dust to increased glacier melting, ocean productivity
Preparing for a thaw: how Arctic microbes respond to a warming world
The Arctic environment - European perspectives on a changing Arctic
Greening of the land surface in the world's cold regions consistent with recent warming
Record-low primary productivity and high plant damage in the Nordic Arctic Region in 2012
Methane seeps:
Cost of Arctic methane release
Arctic methane emergency group
The mystery of the exploding craters of Siberia
Fireballs in the Arctic as methane seeps uncovered
Exceptional view of deep Arctic Ocean methane seeps
Sea ice plays a pivotal role in the Arctic methane cycle
Large and increasing methane emissions from northern lakes
Methane not escaping into the atmosphere from Arctic Ocean
Geological controls of giant crater development on te Arctic seafloor
Geologists identifies new source of methane for gas hydrates in Arctic
Spreading atmospheric Arctic methane heat wave and surface firestorm
Small thaw ponds: an unaccounted source of methane in the Canadian high-Arctic
Scientists discover an entirely new reason for methane venting from the Arctic shelf
Surface water inundation in the boreal-Arctic: potential impacts on regional methane emissions
Pan-Arctic land-atmospheric fluxes of methane and CO2 in response to climate change over the 21C
Monitoring, measuring, mapping & modelling Artic Region:
Arctic Dynamics
An Arctic mercury meltdown
The predictability of Arctic sea-ice
SMOS verstility offers sea ice mapping
Predictions are in for Arctic sea ice low point
Top officials meet at ONR as Arctic changes quicken
An Arctic ice cap's shockingly rapid slide into the sea
NASA finds thickest parts of Arctic icecap melting faster
Map provides high-res look at nearly entire Arctic Region
Sources of multi-decadal variability in Arctic sea ice extent
Map reveals hot spots for Arctic greenhouse gas emissions
High levels of molecular chlorine found in Arctic atmosphere
Ocean currents play a role in predicting extent of Arctic sea ice
Projected regime shift in Arctic cloud and water vapor feedbacks
Satellites measure increase of Sun's energy absorbed in the Arctic
New study provides baseline measurements of carbon in Arctic Ocean
Predicting sea ice - ensemble skill of the search sea ice outlook 2008-2013
Modeling the influence of snow cover on low Arctic net ecosystem exchange
Norwegian-Chinese cooperation yields more reliiable thermal readings of Arctic sea ice
Strategic Environmental Assessment and monitoring: Arctic key gaps and bridging pathways
CU-Boulder study shows global glaciers, ice caps, shedding billions of tons of mass annually
Influence of projected Arctic sea ice loss on polar stratospheric ozone and circulation in spring
2020 Arctic summer seasonal climate outlook along with a summary of 2020 Arctic winter season
The integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System (iAOOS): an AOSB-CliC observing plan for the IPY
Simulation of Eurasian winter climate variability with realiistic Arctic sea ice condition in atmospheric GCM
Shifts in Arctic phenology in response to climate & anthropogenic factors from multiple satellite time series
Arctic Report Cards:
The State of Polar Research IPY 2007-2008
2016 Arctic report card highlights dramatic changes in region
Arctic report card emphasizes continued dramatic change to the region
The Arctic Report Card 2018 The Arctic Report Card 2017 NOAA's Arctic report card 2013
Reconstructing past sea ice
The Arctic: interglacial period with a break
Ancient forest emerges mummified from the Arctic
The great challenges in Arctic Ocean paleoceanography
Reconstructing 150 million years of Arctic Ocean climate
Underwater 'tree rings;' show 650 years of sea ice change
Sea ice strongly linked to climate chnage in past 90,000 years
Six to ten million years ago: ice-free summers at the North Pole
The late Mesozoic-Cenozoic Artic Ocean climate and sea-ice history
Past periodic warmth in Arctic may be related to melting Antarctic ice sheets
The emergence of modern sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean, 2.6 million years ago
Application of Visible/near Infrared derivative spectroscopy to Arctic paleoceanography
Sea ice and millenial-scale climate variability in the Nordic seas 90,000 years ago until present
Traces of immense prehistoric ice sheets: the climate history of the Arctic Ocean needs to be rewritten
Megascale icebergs run aground: finding the deepest iceberg scours provides new insights to Arctic's past
Northwest & Northeast Passages:
The coming Arctic boom
Meet the world's first ice-busting Arctic yachts
North-East Passage soon free from ice again?
Seattle-based Coast Guard cutter's journey through the Arctic
Global warming will open unexpected new shipping routes in the Artic
As Canada takes Arctic Council helm, experts stress north's vulnerability to spills, emergencies
Expansion of Navigational Warning System into Arctic waters marked by IMO, WMO and IHO chiefs
Russian Arctic Resources
The mystery of Siberia's exploding craters
East Siberian Sea, an Arctic region of very high biogeochemical activity
Widespread release of old carbon across the Siberian Arctic echoed by its large rivers
Recent ice cap snowmelt in Russian High Arctic and anti-correlation with late summer sea ice extent
At this Arctic science base, life is anything but lonely
Cloud-free photo of Alaska
US isues ambitious Artic research plan
New digital maps depict Alaska in unprecedented detail
US Navy releases first strategic blueprint for a Blue Arctic
The first decade of the new century: a cooling trend for most of Alaska
Remote sensing study quantifies permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaskan wetlands
Netherlands: Arctic energy rules needed
Is the melting Arctic changing midlatitude weather?
Arctic sea-ice loss linked to colder, drier UK winters
A European snowstorm was caused by climate change
Why build-up of fresh water in Arctic could spell trouble for Britain
Retreating sea ice linked to ocean circulation, European climate change