WMO: State of Global Water Resources
The water crisis
USGS water cycle maps
The top 100 global water questions
Our drinking water - is the world drying up?
Groundwater: a hidden influence on river shape
Climate change effects on groundwater resources
How does groundwater pumping affect streamflow
Dyes & isotopes track groundwater from sink to spring
Mapping groundwater's influence on the world's oceans
Valuing Water Initiative - better decisions impacting water
The UN Water Developoment Report 2021 - valuing water
Groundwater flow may contribute to submarine permafrost thaw
NASA scientists complete first global survey of freshwater fluctuation
Multple stable states in hydrological models: an ecohydrological investigation
Recent changes in land water storage and its contribution to sea level variations
Advances in data analysis and its geoethical implications in groundwater management
A system-based approach to water is a necessary condition to address new climate-water risks
UN: a global synopsis of groundwater science and transboundary management (Analysis Report)
Satellite remote sensing for water resource management: supporting development in data poor regions
USGS on lakes
10 largest lakes in the world
Global warming harms lakes
Taking stock of the world's lakes
Turning climate change data into policy is no easy feat
Global lake warming trend threatens freshwater specie
Subarctic lakes are drying up at a rate not seen for 200 years
Human actvities trigger hypoxia in freshwaters around the globes
New lake surface temperature data base will help in the study of climate change
After decades of clean-up attempts, world's lakes still suffer from phosphorous pollution
UN global synopsis of lakes sciencs and transboundary management (Analysis Report)
Main Processes:
Erosion has a point and an edge
River & Stream Systems, Catchment Basins:
More on rivers
Rivers from space
Tracking river flows from space
Extreme events in running waters
Global extent of rivers and streams
A universal law for the 'blood of the Earth'
Measuring protection of the world's rivers
A sharper look at the world's rivers and catchments
Global surface area of rivers and streams is 45% higher than previously thought
River measurements:
A new index to quantify river fragmentation
A new index to quantify longitudonal river fragmentation: conservation and management implications
River CO2 emissions, effect of warming & ckimate change:
CO2 emissions change with size of streams and rivers
Impact of warming climate doesn't always translate to streamflow
Study finds stream temperatures don't parallel warming climate trend
Study finds rivers and streams release more greenhouse gas than all lakes
A hybrid model for river water temperature as a function of air temperature and discharge
Impact of climate change on river flow related to the impact on mean annual runoff? A global-scale analysis
River Biodiversity & Ecology:
The water is wider
The mathematics of braided rivers
Desert streams: deceptively simple
Cracking the problem of river growth
How do healthy rivers benefit society?
Morphodynamics: rivers beyond steady state
Global threats to human water security and river biodiversity
Researchers introduce macrosystems approach to study stream ecology
River bottoms, sands, sediments, gravels & boullders:
Rivers flow differently over gravel beds
How are river flow sediment pulses generated?
River sediments, a dynamic reserve of pollutants
Boulders limit transport of sand and gravel in steep rivers
Chemical composition of suspended sediments in World Rivers: new insights from a new database
Impacts of river engineering pn river channel behavior: implications for managing downstream flood risk
River Dams, Spillways and Restortaion:
Undamming rivers
Restored streams take 25 years or longer to recover
Spillways can divert sand from river to rebuild wetlands
Rivers recover natural conditions quickly following dam removal
Dams destabilize river food webs: lessons from the Grand Canyon
Sediment trapped behind dams makes them 'hot spots' for greenhouse gas emissions
River Watersheds, Catchments and Basins:
The shape of watersheds
The physics of river prediction
Science-based tools enhance waste catchment management
UN: A global synopsis of river basin science and transboundary management (Analysis Report)
Analysis of river basin-based power plant cooling technologies for mitigating water management challenges
River Deltas and Estuaries:
Predicting the shape of river deltas
Restoring sedimentology of river deltas
Scientists urge protection of world's deltas
How do you reduce disaster risk in river deltas
Estuaries may face increased parasitism as sea levels rise
Sudden shifts in the course of a river on a delta may be predicted
World's large river deltas continue to degrade from human activity
Rivers below sea level:
Mapping a river beneath the sea
Can desalination save the world?
Going nuclear to desalinate seawater
North America:
Canada's Great Basin
NASA Finds Russian Runoff Freshening Canadian Arctic
The Mackenzie River Basin (Rosenberg International Forum)
A century of hydrological variability and trends in the Fraser River Basin
Colorado River: the American Nile
US River chart Another US river chart
Fixing the flawed Colorado River compact
Underwater forest off the coast of Alabama
Historic low stand of Great Salt Lake, Utah: I
NASA studies a rarity: growing Louisiana deltas
Study corrects misconceptions of Great Lakes evaporation
Colorado River delta greener after engineered pulse of water
Visualizing California's changing delta with Stanford and KQED
How Native Americans will shape the future of water in the West
The deceptively simple plan to replenish California's groundwater
Arizona - We pump too much groundwater, and rivers are in danger
Millions depend on the Mississippi River - but the mighty river is drying up
Climate-driven shifts in sediment chemistry enhance methane production in northern lakes
Modeling the Mississippi: LSU researchers study methods to use river sediment to repair the coast
Projected Evolution of California's San Francisco bay-delta-river system in a century of climate change
Response of ice cover on shallow lakes of the North Slope of Alaska to contemporary climate conditions
Analysis ong-term ternds in precipitation, runoff and runoff coefficient in major urban watersheds in the USA
Central America:
Yucutan cenotes
South America:
CO2 emissions along the Lower Amazon River
Pre-Inca canal system uses hillsides as sponges to store water
River plumes near the Equator such as the Congo and the Amazon have major effects on oceans
Understanding the abrupt 2010–11 hydrological annual cycle in the Amazonas River and tributaries
Africa & Midlle East:
Dire and drier future for Lake Victoria
Africa: new urgency to rethink dam projects
Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa
Opportunities for hydrologic research in the Congo Basin, Africa
Mapping groundwater recharge in Africa from ground observations - implications for water security
Middle East:
After it "died" once, will Dead Sea die again
Nile River may be older than previously thought
The eternal Nile is even more ancient than we thought
Assessing the impacts of climate change on the River Nile
Adapting to climate-change induced water stress in the Nile Basin
The battle for water: Assessing the Nile's flow a tricky task for Egypt
Assessing land deformation and sea encroachment in the Nile Delta
Central Asia:
When the Aral Sea dried up, Central Asia became dustier
Ground Water Disappearing in China
Through flood and drought: reconstructing the Yellow River
Humans have been changing Chinese environment for 3,000 years
Quantifying the impact of the Three Gorges Dam on the thermal dynamics of the Yangtze River
Analysis of ALOS PALSAR InSAR data for mappinmg water level changes in Yellow River delta wetlands
India's daunting challenge: the Ganges River
Global surveys of reservoirs and lakes from satellites and regional application to the Syrdarya river basin
Southeast Asia:
Southeast Asia's most critical river is entering unchartered waters
China hydropower dams in Mekong River give shocks to 60 million
USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study
Cambodia's biggest lake is running dry, taking forests and fish with it
Detection of the timing and duration of snowmelt in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya
Integrating climate change into regional disaster risk management at the Mekong River Commission
Hydrological cycle in South and Southeast Asia river basins as simulated by PCMDI/CMIP3 experiments
Great Artesian Basin (Australia)
Australian lake untouched by climate change
Greens threaten to pull plug on Murray-Darling Basin plan
Australia: Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge (TRACK)
Integrated river watch system for disaster risk reduction planned
The origins and future of Lake Eyre and the Murray-Darling Basin
Assessing change in floodplain wetland condition in the Murray Darling Basin
Response of the Lower Ord River and estuary to changes to flow and sediment and nutrient loads
Britain's urban rivers bounce back
Restoring Europe's Rivers website
Territorial cohesion and water management in Europe: the spatial perspective
Room for rivers: risk reductions by enhancing the the flood conveyance capacity of Netherland's rivers