Structure of the Atmosphere:
Ionosphere Plasmasphere
Nick Strobel on Atmosphere
Earth's atmosphere stretches out past the Moon
Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere
Processes within the Atmosphere:
Atmospheric gravity waves
Dispersion Turbulence Radiation
Baroclinic Barotropic Earth wind map
Atmosphere agitated by breaking waves
Tropical convection (CONTRAST program)
The cloud dynamics of convective storm systems
Scientists begin to unravel summer jet stream mystery
Study explores wave-particle interaction in atmosphere
Surprising waves in the Antarctic atmosphere discovered
Atmospheric chemistry:
Atmospheric Chemistry
The future of atmospheric chemistry research
Major enigma solved in atmospheric chemistry
Atmosperic chemists should tackle risks to society
The effect of halogens on global tropospheric ozone
Elusive matter found to be abundant far above Earth
New way to gauge lightning's role in ozone formation
Researchers discover particle which could ‘cool the planet
Summer storms to create new ozone holes as Earth warms
On the surface impact of stratospheric Arctic ozone extremes
Count of new CFCs in the atmosphere rises from four to seven
Team spots elusive intermediate compound in atmospheric chemistry
Researchers discover hot hydrogen atoms in earth's upper atmosphere
Sunlit snow triggers atmospheric cleaning, ozone depletion in the Arctic
Warming atmosphere's heat engine: atmospheric energetics with higher greenhouse gas concentrations
Top of the atmosphere (Thermosphere-Ionosphere TI system):
Initial observations by the GOLD mission
NCAR's stratospheric circulation simulation
How heavy oxygen ions escape Earth's gravity
The curious case of the Earth's leaking atmosphere
Focus on high-energy particles and atmospheric processes
Humans accidentally created a protective bubble around Earth
Cosmic ray modulation of infra-red radiation in the atmosphere
Atmospheric ionizing radiation from galactic and solar cosmic rays
Scientists solve a decades-old mystery in the Earth's upper atmosphere
Are there persistent physical atmospheric responses to galactic cosmic rays?
Assessing and understanding the impact of stratospheric dynamics and variability on the Earth System
Early atmospheres:
Fractal Haze Could Solve Weak-Sun Mystery for Early Earth
Key to Origin of Earth's First Breathable Atmosphere discovered
Amber provides new insights into the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere
Setting the stage for life: scientists make key discovery about the atmosphere of early Earth
Today's atmosphere:
Like a giant elevator to the stratosphere
Stratospheric contraction caused by increasing GHGs
Ten successful years of mapping the middle atmosphere
Vertcal fingerprint of human activity on atmospheric temperatures
Upper-tropospehric moistening in response to anthropogenic warming
Continuous rise of the tropopause in the Northern Hemisphere over 1980-2020
Water vapour in the atmosphere:
Water vapoiur as a global warming amplifier
A cleansing rain falls; a soil-filled mist arises
Water vapor in stratosphere has role in Earth's climate
Water vapor over the oceans - NASA/NOAA animations
Atmospheric rivers:
Atmospheric rivers in a changing climate
Atmospheric electricity:
THEMIS satellite sees a great electron escape
Van Allen probes reveal behaviour of Earth's ring current
Climate model used to better understand electricity in the air
Observations of the atmospheric electric field during two case studies of boundary layer processes
Radiation in the atmosphere:
Cosmic ray modulation of infra-red radiation in the atmosphere
Climate change and the atmosphere:
NSF on Climate Change
Expert credibility in climate change
Middle atmosphere in sync with the ocean
A new technique to simulate climate change
What science is telling us about climate change
Stratosphere targets deep sea to shape climate
Air travel and climate: a potential new feedback?
Climate scientists find elusive tropospheric hot spot
Atmospheric composition, irreversible climate change, and mitigation policy
New atmospheric compound tied to climate change and human health issues discovered
Biota in the atmosphere:
Bugs in the atmosphere
Frequent-flyer microbes ride hurricanes and live in the clouds
Microbiome of the upper troposphere: species composiion and prevalence, effects of tropical storms
Cleaning the atmosphere:
How the detergent of the atmosphere is regenerated
How NASA keeps tabs on air pollution from space - AURA
Key reaction for producing 'atmospher's detergent observed
Special Topics:
Edward Lorenz: chaos at fifty
Deterministic nonperiodic flow
Atmospheric mysteries unraveling
Grand challenges in atmospheric sciences
A question of atmospheres: on Earth and beyond
Studying soil to predict the future of Earth's atmosphere