Mountain GeoPortal
Highlands and Drylands
Opposing mountain ranges
A Humboldtian view of mountains
The world's 10 highest mountains
List of the world's mountain ranges
Tallest mountain to deepest ocean trench
Infographic: The highest and lowest points on Earth
Challenges for mountain regions – tackling complexity
Generating multiple benefits from ecosystem-based adaptation in mountain ecosystems
Formation & destruction of mountain ranges:
How powerful winds blew the mountains away
Scientists decipher forces driving mountain formation
Climate can grind mountains faster than they can be rebuilt
Mountain range is being created and destroyed by earthquakes
Climate change and biocultural adaptation in mountain communities
Effect of climate change in mountain regions:
Climate change and mountain areas
Towards a definition of Essential Mountain Climate Variables
Winter conditions are changing rapidly in alpine lake ecosystems
Climate change impact - a 3D look at the planet's mountain ranges
Climate change velocity underestimates climate change exposure in mountainous regions
Geology of the 2022 Winter Olympics site
Overview of Himalayas
Karakorum Mountanis of Asia
Himalayan nations yet to break the ice
New date seen for creation of Himalayas
Human losses expected in Himalayan earthquakes
Building the Himalaya from tectonic to earthquake scale
Building the Himalaya from tectonic to earthquake scales
Scientists find extensive glacial retreat in Mount Everest region
Towering Everest grew taller faster after Himalayan 'river piracy
Snow-Cover Mapping and Monitoring in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas
International conference on the cryosphere of the Hindu Kush Himalayas'
Validation of NOAA CPC_RFE satellite-based rainfall estimates in the Cenral Himalayas
Early Cretaceous subduction initiation beneath southern Tibet caused the northward flight of India
Overview of the Rockies
Geologists shed light on formation of Alaska Range
Overview of the Andes
When did the Andes mountains form?
10,000-year record shows uplift at Andean volcano
Scientists reconstruct ancient lost plates under Andes Mountains
Assessing the interaction between mountain forests and snow avalanches Chile, and its eco-based DRR
European Alps:
Overview of the Alps
Thawing ice makes the Alps grow
Atlantic influence on spring rainfall over the Alps in the last 150 years
Shifts in soil & plant functional diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the French Alps
Kilimanjaro's iconic snows mapped in 3D
Moroccan mountains float on molten rock, study finds
Geologists discover how Australia's highest mountain was created
Unraveling the origins of Australia's ancient mountan chains
Fountain of youth underlies Antarctic mountains